Aakyha Sadhi
Warning: This carrd contains story spoilers about Endwalker (6.0) and contains images from Endwalker (6.0)
•Ѯ• General Information •Ѯ•
Thavnarian Raen •Ѯ• Radiant Host Dancer
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Nicknames: Kya
Server: Crystal - Mateus
Age: 26
Height: 4 fulms, 9 ilms
Build: Athletic, Fit
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heteroflexible
Relationship Status: Single
Nameday: 29th Sun, 2nd Astral Moon (Aries)
Patron Diety: Azeyma•Ѯ• Occupation •Ѯ•
World Traveler & Radiant Host Dancer
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•Ѯ• Appearance •Ѯ•
Just because the Thavnarian native is small, does not mean she is not a force to be reckoned with in combat. Petite and lithe, this raen is the picture of athletic form while maintaining a very feminine grace. Usually found it form fitting, yet comfortable clothes which allow her movement for her dancing, Aakyha favors bright colors commonly found in her homeland - particularly pink and sometimes a vibrant cyan blue. Gold chains and bangles often dangle off the raen's tail and wrists, giving a light jingle wherever she goes.Dark tattoos in a very tribal and cultural design of Thavnair dot and dance along her body, most notibly down her arms from her collar bone and shoulders as well as her thighs and under her breasts going down her abdomen.•Ѯ• Personality •Ѯ•
True to the sun sign under which she was born, Aakyha is very much a daughter of Azeyma, even though she also follows her culture's traditional beliefs as well. Fiery, passionate, vibrant and bold, Kya is known to take charge, address problems head on and is never afraid to be the first to rush into battle - especially if innocents are in trouble. She's courageous, determined, confident, optimistic, enthusiastic and honest to her core. Yet, on the other hand, she can also be impatient, impulsive, tempestuous, aggressive and sometimes short-tempered.She loves taking on leadership roles and physical challenges and often gets antsy when things slow down or she becomes inactive. She is full of youthful energy and can be quite turbulent. She's continuously looking for dynamic experiences and has quite a competitive streak, always aiming to be the best and first at everything. To say Kya is a strong personality is an understatement, yet she is also known to have a softer side as well when in the right company and can be known to follow the lead of others - if they are strong enough of personality and will to earn her respect to follow them.
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•Ѯ• RP Hooks •Ѯ•Thavnair
Aakyha is a Thavnairian native and has lived in Radz-at-Han her entire life. Only recently, in the last month, has she left her island to explore the world.The Radiant Host
Orphaned on the streets as a young girl, she took to thievery and vagrancy until a Radiant Host Captain took her under her wing and raised her, training her in the ways of the Dancer and guiding her into military service. As in much of what she does, she excelled and rose to the rank of Sergeant before taking a leave of absence to explore the world.Dancer
Trained from adolescence in the ways of Kriegstanz, an ancient dance of war, Aakyha is a master of the chakrams and is fondly known among her fellow Host as the 'Whirling Dervish of Thavnair'. When she dances, its hard to not be mesmerized and that is when she strikes.Traveler
Although she is temporarily taking up residence in Ul'dah in an effort to get further funds to continue her explorations, Aakyha is a traveler of the world, having left her island paradise after the Final Days to see what was beyond the sea. She knows what she needs to continue her travels and, for the moment, anything extra she can secure to send back home to Thavnair to aid with their recovery, she does.
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•Ѯ• Background •Ѯ•
Born to a merchant family trying to make ends meet in the great city of Radz-at-Han, Aakyha was a happy, willful child. When a sickness ravaged the city in the poorer districts, her parents were among the first to pass. With no other family, and no neighbors with the means to take her in, Aakyha was forced to live on the streets.Survival was everything and she took to vagrancy and thievery to keep herself alive. Though she was never malicious, or took from those who needed it, she did what she had to survive. When she was twelve, she was approached by a man interested in bringing her into his pleasure house and training her to be one of his courtesans. Too young and naïve to really understand what that entailed, but knowing it meant a roof over her head, she was about to accept the offer when a beautiful, and remarkably tall raen woman, stepped in and swept her away - all the while shooting an icy gaze at the man who would have exploited a child.Little did Kya know he would be arrested later, for the woman who rescued her was a Radiant Host Captain and a skilled follower of the ways of Kriegstanz, the ancient dance of war of Thavnair. Unable to bear seeing Kya risk going into such a place again, she took her in and fed her and offered her a place to stay. In exchange, she would train and train hard in the ways of Kriegstanz and would join the Radiant Host when she came of age. To Aakyha, this was a dream come true, and she readily agreed to it.Aakyha exceled beyond all expectations. Fiery and with a very determined soul, she set to her training with all the passion in her heart and found a true love for the art of war. When she turned sixteen, she enlisted in the ranks of the Radiant Host and began her career.By the time Aakyha was twenty-four, she was already being considered for the rank of Sergeant and by the age of twenty-five, she'd made it. Further tragedy would strike, however, later that year when rumors of the end time began to stir. A month later, the fires began to fall from the blood red sky and blasphemies began to torment and consume her people. Despair was at every turn, death in the streets and chaos everywhere. Through all this, Aakyha remained a hopeful beacon in the dark times for her people and served in the Host to destroy the blasphemies and help get people to safety while keeping her fellow man from turning themselves.It was an exhausting few weeks but then the skies cleared and the Final Days were adverted. Still, her homeland was devastated and many people she had come to know and love had been either killed or turned into blasphemies. Even her mentor, the woman who took her in, had succumbed to the despair and hopelessness of their world around them and had turned. Kya, being the dutiful soldier she was, had to slay the blasphemy, though it broke her heart.After spending a couple months helping to rebuild and stabilize her country and city, Aakyha was beginning to feel the burn out of the previous months. Encouraged by her commanding officer, and entranced by all the foreigners now coming into her city, Aaykha decided to do something she always wanted to do - take a leave of absence and explore the world outside her island. Packing up what very few things she had, for she always lived simply, she embarked on her journey.*Arriving in Limsa Lominsa, Aakyha spent her first month enjoying the beauties of the sea port and its surrounding areas before moving onto Ul'dah. It was there what funds she had brought ran out and, in her desperation for not wanting to cut her traveling short, she began to look for work. *
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•Ѯ• OOC Information •Ѯ•

•Ѯ• 18+ only • Walk-Ups / PMs OK • All RPs Welcome •Ѯ•Thank you for getting this far!Hope you enjoyed the read!I am a 21+ gamer who has been playing FFXIV for over a year now. I love this game and everything about it and I am super excited about the amazing RP community! I am a para to multi-para RPer though I often mirror my RP partners with their writing. I am open to all kinds of RP, including dark, triggering, adult, violence, etc. I only ask that any RPs which result in permanent modification of my character's appearance go through me first OOCly.I prefer to stick as close to lore as possible, but I don't mind bending it from time-to-time. I will not, however, break lore completely. I am very knowledgeable in FFXIV lore and am happy to share that knowledge and work with it to develop the best story we can write!When it comes to writing more erotic themes (ERP), while I enjoy writing it, it must have a narrative of some kind behind it, be naturally formed and something that makes sense for the characters, setting and situation.Also I am a huge stickler for keeping IC in-character and OOC out-of-character. I do not blend and I expect my RP partners to not blend either.Discord: FelVyper#2101•Ѯ•
•Ѯ• What I'm Looking For •Ѯ•
Para or Multi-Para Writing
Long-term Story Arcs
Character Development
Detailed Characters and Writing
Short-term InteractionsFriends
Romantic Partner
Short-term Flings•Ѯ• Types of RP I Enjoy •Ѯ•
Dark/Mature Themes
Erotic•Ѯ• Types of RP I Am Open To •Ѯ•
Injury to My Character
(pre-discussed only)
Some Lore Bending•Ѯ• What I Am Not Interested In •Ѯ•
Permanent Death
Lore Breaking
Bleeding IC and OOC
OOC Romance
Vore, Scat, Watersports, or Loli